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三元名家论坛:New bounds on Majority coloring of digraph
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2023-06-23     来源:    

讲座主题:New bounds on Majority coloring of digraph



讲座时间:2023年6月24日 15:30-16:30




A majority k-coloring of a digraph D with k colors is an assignment c:V(D)→ {1,2,……,k}, such that for every v, we have c(w)=c(v) for at most half of all out-neighbors w of v. Kreutzer et al. conjectured that every digraph admits a majority 3-coloring. For a natural number k, a 1/k-majority coloring of a digraph is a coloring of the vertices such that each vertex receives the same color as at most a 1/k proportion of its out-neighbours. Girao et al. conjectured that every digraph admits a 1/k -majority (2k-1)-coloring. In this paper, we prove that Kreutzer's conjecture is true for digraphs under some conditions, which improves Kreutzer's results. Moreover, we discuss the majority 3-coloring of random digraph with some conditions.

